IKSP ↪ about

News Tapes Stories ETC. ↪About
About This Site

Hello, and welcome to my website. It's not much to look at now, but maybe in a far-distant future, there will be something of interest here. Although, I've found plenty of interest in just this part...

The purpose of this site is primarily as a creative outlet. As with all creative outlets, there comes a risk of both utility and public humiliation. Perhaps you've come upon this page through knowing me in the real world, and if that is the case, well you must be special enough to think this is entertaining, so I encourage you to keep reading. If you have come here by some other means, please write to me at once, so that I can prevent travelers like you from stumbling across my humble page in the future.

Expected outcomes of this site are minimal, and in all likelyhood, it will be abandoned, as most things eventually are. Please check the bottom of this page and compare the date to today's, if you are concerned about abandonment. As a repository for my creative endeavors, I guess, I would like this page to be just that. If, by some chance, it serves another purpose, or comes to serve another purpose in the future, well that is just how things happen sometimes. And if, by some chance, you are a handsome, eligible bachelor, please do not read any of the "News" and exit this page at once.

News - this section is just a blog, or a diary.

Tapes - though constrained by the vagueries of internet hosting, I will endeavor to upload my "mixtapes" to this section, for the sake of posterity, whom I am sure will be forever grateful for my contributions to the internet-DJ scene.

Stories - who knew, Ian wrote stories? Well, I do, or did, and this is where they should all live. I have a hard enough time finding them, since they are so old. Maybe one day there will be a new one. Did you know I'm published? Yes, it's the very well known Southern Lakes Anthology. Quite the page-turner.

About Me

My name is Ian, and I'm the creator of this humble website. I was born in Park Ridge, Illinois, which you may be familiar with as the childhood home of the great stateswoman, Hillary Clinton. I too, was raised a model Midwesterner, though never had such lofty ambitions as H. While I was born in Illinois, I am loathe to point out that, to date, the vast majority of my time has been spent in Wisconsin, some 20 minutes north of the border.

I currently reside in the small town of New York City, just west of Connecticut (where I have also lived, no doubt in the adjacency of other great stateswomen), and I expect to live here until such time as I do not. If you are interested in contacting me, please go find the section of this site with the other links. Or, I'm sure you could piece together enough information from this site to locate me.


Temporarily unformatted

  • Instagram: @ian9113
  • Soundcloud
  • Mixcloud
  • Email: mouton9113@gmail.com